Wednesday, September 23, 2009

use sqlyog job agent to synchronize two mysql databases

cron an sja job to push changes from a master database to a slave database via a bash script:

Here is a link to the download page for the sqlyog job agent (SJA):

Here is the xml file for the master to slave push job: (note the xml below has html encoded < and > characters so you might not be able to just copy and paste it)

[root@cms ]# cat scripts/sync_cms_db_to_www1_db.xml

<abortonerror abort="no">
<fkcheck check="no">
<twowaysync twoway="no">


<tables all="yes">

Here is the bash script that runs the above job xml:

[root@cms ]# cat scripts/

echo Syncing cms dbs to www1 dbs...

/usr/local/bin/scripts/sja "/usr/local/bin/scripts/sync_cms_db_to_www1_db.xml" -l"/var/log/databasename_db_cms_to_www1_sync_log.txt" -s"/var/log/databasename_db_cms_to_www1_sync_session.xml"

echo Done!


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